

「waterfall villa」


「waterfall villa」
Architecture that Maximizes the Appeal and Experience of the Land

The location was a gently sloping site overlooking the sea and sky of Okinawa. With sunlight streaming in during both sunrise and sunset, a refreshing sea breeze, and a forest stretching out behind, it was an ideal location to savor the natural beauty and scenery of Okinawa. However, there was another company’s construction plan on the site adjacent to the sea side, and the conflicting demands of ‘’blindfold’ and ‘’view’’ were required.

To address this, a slanted wall was erected to obscure the view of the neighboring building, and water was directed from the tip of the slanted wall into a pool, creating an experience reminiscent of "water flowing in from the sea. This "flowing water slanted wall" achieved both the purpose of "blocking external views" and "ensuring views of the sea from within", while also generating a sense of continuity that makes the distant sea feel close. Amidst the increasing availability of virtual experiences, the opportunity to engage with nature holds the potential to provide emotions and enrich the soul in ways that daily life cannot. What architecture in rich natural environments should prioritize is the ability to ‘’maximize the appeal of the land through architecture’’ by creating these experiences.

A terrace with a sense of openness that blocks external gazes and frames the sky’s scenery.
Gaze upon a starry sky in all its brilliance from the pool. Enjoy the beauty of Okinawa’s nature undisturbed by anyone.
Water flowing from the slanted wall creates ripples on the surface, producing a tranquil sound of water.
Concealing the interior from the outside, it exudes the appearance of a sculpture.
LDK から眺める朝焼け。都会では味わえない、時間ごとに変化する景色を独り占めできる贅沢な居場所
The sunrise from the LDK. A luxurious space where you can exclusively enjoy the ever changing views that urban settings cannot offer.
While keeping the bedroom compact, the sloped ceiling design provides a sense of spaciousness.
A shower and washroom with a cool ambiance, achieved by subdued lighting.
寝室側から LDK・プールを見る。波打つプールの水面に反射した太陽光が、勾配天井に揺らぎある光を映し出す
View of the LDK and pool from the bedroom. Where the sunlight reflecting off the rippling pool water creates a shimmering play of light on the sloped ceiling.
While soaking in the outdoor bathtub, you can be soothed by the sound of flowing water from the slanted wall and enjoy an uninterrupted view of the clear blue sky.
玄関から LDK・プールを見る。水が流れる斜壁が海と繋がり、「動きある風景」を作リ出す。
View of the LDK and pool from the entrance. The flowing water on the slanted wall connects with the sea, creating a ‘’dynamic landscape.’’
アプローチも光源を絞り、LDK からの風景へと誘う動線計画。
The approach is design to narrow down the light source and lead to the scenery from the LDK, creating a seamless flow of movement.
View of the sea and the eastern exterior. The exterior design and lighting plan which are emphasizing the ‘’diagonal lines’’ created by the slanted walls and sloped ceiling, are design to stand out both during night time cityscape and under the starry sky.

設計Sデザインファーム株式会社 鹿内 健 渡辺 裕貴
インテリアデザイン渡邊 広美
構造設計田中哲也建築構造計画 田中 哲也
施工株式会社アレックス 片寄 裕
植栽HADANA 葉棚 達也
写真鳥村鋼一写真事務所 鳥村 鋼一
Planned siteOkinawa
Main useAccommodation
Construction typeNew construction
Structure and scaleReinforced concrete 1st floor above ground
DesignKen Shikauchi, Yuki Watanabe from S Design Farm Co., Ltd.
Interior designHiromi Watanabe
Structural designTanaka Tetsuya
Structural PlanningTetsuya Tanaka
ConstructionYutaka Katayose  from Alex Co., Ltd.
PlantingTatsuya Hatana from HADANA
Site area343.03㎡
Total floor area59.07㎡
Completion dateOctober 2021
PhotographerKoichi Torimura from Photo Office Koichi Torimura